Citizen assembly
Citizens Shape A New Social Contract for Agriculture
28 Sep 2020 - Paris
What will the future of agriculture look like is a key question for sustainable territorial development. From the production of methane to logistics, the food industry is responsible for thirty percent of green gas emissions in France. How to mediate its impact is a major challenge for urban planners and policy-makers. Yet, new farming practices and a smart transformation of activities may absorb more emissions than they produce. But is society ready for the change? To come up with solutions, we organized a three-day national assembly gathering 130 citizens from all across France. Together, they auditionned ministers, experts and stake-holders, and debated to finally came up with five key propositions to make French and European agriculture more green, more fair, and centered on the needs and well-being of famers. Outcome of the assembly should directly shape the French National Agricultural Strategic Plan, which will be a corner stone of the new Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union.